I am doing a POC in ASP.Net MVC 4 project for a Insurance domain customer in which i had to customize
User Authentication requirement so that it can validate an active
directory user which should also exist in my project database. I have
googled a lot and looked into many articles but have not found any
straight forward solution. So thought to take it up and share with you
Initially i thought i will go with Windows Authentication and in Application_AuthenticateRequest
event of global.asax
I will write my custom code to validate the user in my project
database. But the main issue is, if the user validation is failed in the
database it is difficult (I didn't find a way) to reset the
authentication cookie to mark the user as unauthenticated user. In
simple words the user is always authenticated with Windows
Authentication. You can see Request.IsAuthenticated
flag is always TRUE
So I decided to go with Forms Authentication in which I will bypass
the login page and will read the windows logged in user from Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"]
and will validate the user in database.
This article is helpful for those who is looking for single signon in
MVC 4 application as well as they want the user should also be verified
in users table in your project database. Please note that this article
will be based on MVC 4 and i am using VS2010 SP1 to create sample code.
Understanding Forms Authentication in MVC
You can find tons of article on Forms Authentication. So i am not
going to write the repeated boring stuff but will demystify the
abstraction you see in your project when you select "Internet Application" template while creating your MVC project. Lets get into step by step.
- File -> New -> Project -> ASP.NET MVC 4 Application Click on "OK" button
- Project Template -> Internet Application
- View Engine -> Razor, now click on "OK" button to create the project
Now the project is created. If you look at the web.config file you
can find the following Authentication tag which claims that the project
will use "Forms" authentication.
<authentication mode="Forms" /><forms loginUrl="~/Account/Login" timeout="2880" /></authentication>
Now if you try to compile the project, you will be able to compile it
and you shall be able to run the project successfully. The first issue
comes when you click on "Login" button. You can see the following error
in the "InitialiseSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs" file.
The above error occures because the code is not able to
initialise/create membership table in the SQL express. you can find the
following connectionstring in the web.config file.
<add name="DefaultConnection" connectionstring="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;
Initial Catalog=aspnet-MvcApplication1-20130603132719;Integrated Security=SSPI"
providername="System.Data.SqlClient" />
I suggest you to change default connection string to point to your SQL server project database as as shown below:
<add name="DefaultConnection"
connectionString=quot;server=SQl Server machine name Integrated Security=false;
User ID=sa; Password=password; database= your project database;
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /></p>
Now you again run the application and click on the "Login" button, you will be able to see the Login Page as follows:
Well, now if you examine the database you will be able to see 5 new
tables have been created automatically by the membership provider. Those
are as follows:
- dbo.UserProfile (this table contains the users name when you try to register a user from application)
- dbo.webpages_ Membership (this table maintains the password of users created during registering a user from application)
- dbo.webpages_OAuthMembership (this table contains user id if you using OAuth. Out of scope for this article)
- dbo.webpages_Roles (You can create the roles in this table which can be used in
attribute during authorization in the application)
- dbo.webpages_UsersInRoles ( this table contains the user and their role relationship)
Now let's talk about what happens when you click on the "Log in" button. First. Here is the code written in Account Controller which gets fire when you click on "Log in" button.
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl)
if (ModelState.IsValid && WebSecurity.Login(model.UserName,
model.Password, persistCookie: model.RememberMe))
return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl);
ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect.");
return View(model);
The fairly simple code. Magic happens with WebSecurity.Login()
method. this method first checks if supplied user exists in dbo.userprofile table. If exists, then this method checks if supplied password matches in the dbo.webpages_ Membership table.
If password also matches then this method reads the roles associated
with this user and set in the request context and returns true to
indicate successful login. It internally also sets the Request.IsAuthenticated
flag to true. That's all about forms authentication side in MVC 4 project.
Resolution of authentication customization problem
Now since you understand the logic behind forms authentication lets
talk about resolution of single sign on problem with forms
authentication in which user will also be validated in project database.
Step -1
Change the <Forms> tag in Web.Confile file with following tag.
<forms loginUrl="errors/InvalidUser" timeout="2880" />
Step -2
Add errors Controller with following Action methods.
public class ErrorsController : Controller
public ActionResult InvalidUser()
return PartialView("_InvalidUser");
public ActionResult UnAuthorizedUser()
return PartialView("_UNAuthorizedUser");
Step -3
Add a shared view "_InvalidUser.cshtml" with following Razor.
ViewBag.Title = "Invalid User";
<hgroup class="title">
<h1 class="error">Invalid User.</h1>
<h2 class="error">Please contact your Administrator.</h2>
Add another shared view "_UNAuthorizedUser.cshtml" with following Razor.
ViewBag.Title = "Invalid User";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
<hgroup class="title">
<h1 class="error">You are not authorized to view this page.</h1>
<h2 class="error">Please contact your Administrator.</h2>
Step -4
change the existing _LoginPartial.cshtml partial view with following Razor.
@if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
Hello, @User.Identity.Name
Step -5
Lets create our own User table in the Application Database.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AppUser]( [USerID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[LoginName1] [nvarchar]
(50) NULL, )
Step -6
Create user data in user table manually.
Insert Into dbo.AppUser values(1,'<your windows user name>');
Step 7
Create data in Membership table.
insert into dbo.webpages_Membership(UserId,PasswordFailuresSinceLastSuccess,Password)
Please note : the Encrypted value shown in the above query for password is "1", since WebSecurity.Login
can not receive a blank password so I am hard-coding this password with
"1" and I am planning to create every user with the same encrypted
password. Since we are going with single signon password doesn't make
much sense here.
Step -8
Create role as per your need in role table.
Step -9
Go to the InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs file and change the following code in which "User" is newly created table.
"User", "UserId", "UserName", autoCreateTables: true);
Step 10
Add the following Attribute to the Home Controller.
Step -11
Change the Index Action of Home Controller with following code.
public ActionResult Index()
string username;
var logonUser = Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"];
username = logonUser.Split('\\')[1].ToString();
if (!Request.IsAuthenticated)
username = "sanjiv";
if (WebSecurity.Login(username, "2", persistCookie: false))
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
return RedirectToAction("InvalidUser", "Errors");
ViewBag.Message = "Modify this template to jump-start your ASP.NET MVC application.";
return View();
Step - 12
Remove account controller (AccountController.cs) completely from the project.
Step -13
Now you run the application and you will be able to see the following screen with logged in user information.
View blog
I will recap the activities performed in this article.
- We had removed the Account Controller completely from the project
and managed the authentication from "Index" action of "Home" controller.
That's the reason we had to provide
attribute to "Index" action. In this authentication process we are
reading the logged in user name from Server variables and not providing
the user to input username hence it behaves like single sing on
- Secondly we have changed the "
" provider to connect to our Local DB. We also managed the user data in our own AppUSer table in project database.
- Third and importantly we had changed the
partial view and also created our own error view to display "Invalid user ." error message.